Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitide Measurement



this book is intended to help all those who want to design a questionnaire. It could serve as a textbook for research students and undergraduates in social psychology and sociology and for practitioners of market research. It could also help doctors, personnel officers, civil servants, criminologists, social anthropologists, teachers, and many others whose curiosity or need for information may impel them into the quicksands of social research.
Questionnaire design cannot be taught from books; every investigation presents new and different problems. A textbook can only hope to prevent some of the worst pitfalls and to give practical, do-it-yourself kind of information that will point the way out of difficulties.
Author  : A.N. Oppenheim

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2 Responses to "Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitide Measurement"

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    Terima kasih pak
