Jangan lelah untuk berbagi sebagai wujud rasa syukur atas nikmat-ALLAH SWT.

29 Jun 2015

C R I T I C 

Critic is not a sin
Critic is not to put you in the corner
Critic is not to make you shy
Critic is not to show your weakness
Critic is not a kind of  dislikeness
Critic is the form of  friends' attention
Critic is the contribution to  show that we care
Critic is the power to  be better than before
Critic is the way to show the forgotten sides of yours
Critic remind us that we are a humans, has a limitation
Critic is the side that I can see but you miss
Critic is only a tiny side than what you’ve done
 Critic is just a complement to reach perfectness
Critic is not something that make us become more than you
Critic is not to teach you
We need critic,  it makes us aware, there is no perfection,  and truth  is not always  ours
Only He (Allah)  has all… … …        
                                                               Roel 2015

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