The contribution of Loanwords familiarity In Bahasa toward English Vocabulary Mastery
Based on the data analysis, it was obtained the equation of Y= 4.192+ 0.227 X1+ 0.5 X2 that was indicated a positive contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree on English loanwords toward their English vocabulary mastery. Due to the value of F change (0.00) was lower than a= 0.05, means that the variables of X1 and X2 contributed significantly toward the variable of Y (the students’ English vocabulary mastery). Then, the coefficient of determination R 2 was 0.468 indicated variables X1 and X2 gave contribution simultaneously as much as 46.8% toward variable Y, while as much as 63.2% was affected by other factors. So, the existence of English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia gives a potential opportunity to make English is easy to be learned. Because both between loanwords and English vocabularies have …
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